Flowkeeper background The first MES software tool with Blockchain process certification NDL Flowkeeper logo NDL Flowkeeper Apply for demo ribbon Flowkeeper mockup flowkeeper banner

An essential tool, easy to implement, very intuitive and
with a simple learning curve.

introduccion Authorised users will be able to create work orders, also set priorities and delivery dates. barcode icon polugon Background Work Orders Entry Work registration registro With just 3 mouse clicks you can digitise incoming and outgoing jobs at workstations. Easy and intuitive. export icon polugon Background Transit Registration Operator Transit Registration verificacion Information necessary and sufficient to assess the quality of their production. horizontal icon polugon Background Verification and Correction of Processes, Finishing Quality Working progress table visualizacion Filtering by dates and statuses, flagging out-of-date jobs. list icon polugon Background Visualisation and commissioning of work orders Operator Home gestion Creation of intermediate warehouses and processes outsourced to third parties. wrench icon polugon Background Warehouse management and external processes Parts stock table analisis Control panel that allows you to optimise your production and reduce your costs. control icon polugon Background Production Analysis and Production Monitoring Administrator Control panel polugon polugon polugon polugon polugon polugon wrench icon control icon list icon Work Orders Entry Authorised users will be able to create work orders, also set priorities and delivery dates. Transit Registration With just 3 mouse clicks you can digitise incoming and outgoing jobs at workstations. Easy and intuitive. Verification and Correction of Processes, Finishing Quality Information necessary and sufficient to assess the quality of their production. Visualisation and commissioning of work orders Filtering by dates and statuses, flagging out-of-date jobs. Warehouse management and external processes Creation of intermediate warehouses and processes outsourced to third parties. Production Analysis and Production Monitoring Control panel that allows you to optimise your production and reduce your costs. banner Flowkeeper Background

Versión 1.6 Versión 1.6 done Design improvements for menus
done Design improvements for web accessibility
done Switch from Mysql to Postgres database • Evolutive previous version
• Optimisations
done done done done done Price per kW/h of the electricity operator for the calculation of the energy cost.

Price tag for auxiliary parts in production

Define the company's holidays and working hours in order to have an accurate calculation of production time

Cost report of each work order.

New control panel with graphs that allow the business owner to correct situations to optimise production and reduce costs.
• New features
Versión 1.7 • Evolutive previous version
Print report of the contents of a warehouse

Descriptive icons for workstations by user photo. Add the user's photo to the user and have it appear at all times in the program to know which user is logged in.

Company configuration screen

Specify auxiliary materials by product type
done done done done
Direct transfer between warehouses.

Material storage location in the warehouses. According to the configuration of the warehouse with regard to the number of aisles, shelves of the racks and sections (aisle length).

Indicate the destination of a work order. It can be an intermediate warehouse, which allows production lines to be linked or it can be an END warehouse which houses all the finished production.
done done done • New features
Versión 1.7
Versión 1.8 transit • Evolutive previous version
• New features
Transit type of workstation,
in order to be able to attribute the transit from one station to another to a user.
transit2 incident Configure the router according to the transit stations, controlling the accuracy of the routers. The possibility of selling consulting services to adequate the production lines to the routers of the programme. Incident management to be able to discard or solve work orders.
Versión 1.8
Versión 1.9 • Evolutive previous version Direct accesses in different sections of the portal to improve navigability

Added option to block entry of new jobs if a job is already in process
Visual improvements
Actions such as stock request, work detail, delivery note, notifications, incidences,... done done done
New screen showing real-time production status. Customisation of header, footer and visual style of tables.
New jobs and push notifications will appear instantly without reloading the page. • New features Template editor for the generation of PDF reports template report generator Push notifications to refresh information automatically Displays the new actions for the creation, input and output of jobs, incidents, notes and storage requests. push notification
Versión 1.9
Release Roadmap Background

polygon background Users + Workstations Users
Up to 49 50 to 99 Over 100 + 0 € + 2 €
per additional unit Consult
Base price 250€* * VAT and cost of certifications not included in the price. Prices Background

Slide Prerequisite checking Stage 1 Prerequisite Checking (on site at the facility) Installation Stage 2 Installation and Administrator Training Factory setting Stage 3 Factory settings Training Stage 4 Operator Training STAGES OF IMPLEMENTATION Background

1 What is the goal? Who can participate? How much is subsidised? - To boost economic growth - SMEs and self-employed professionals operating in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia. - It may be 35% to 50% depending on the community. Eligeble actions Subventions What is subsidised? Background 2 A) E-commerce consultancy services.

B) Digital marketing services.

C) Digitalisation of business processes.

D) Digital trust services.
Eligible actions Subventions What is subsidised? Background
3 Computer equipment or information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure. Software licences, with the exception of licences for operating systems or office applications. Costs of cloud services, as long as they are not recurring or periodic expenses. Consultancy services costs. Eligible actions Subventions What is subsidised? Background
Grant program A subvention programme for Industrial Development, Competitiveness Improvement, Digital Transformation and Employment Generation has been opened for SMEs with operational establishment in the various autonomous communities, from which their implementation of NDL FLOWKEEPER could benefit.

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